Observations of Killer Whales , Orcinus area , in Western Alaska : Sightings , Strandings , and Predation on Other Marine Mammals
Recent observations confirm that Killer Whales (Orcinus area) occur off the coast of western Alaska from at least Bristol Bay to north of Point Barrow. They have been seen in drifting ice in spring and in open water during summer. Three strandings involving IO animals that occurred in 1982-1984 in the area from Nunivak Island to Norton Sound are described. Observations of Killer Whales chasing a Minke Whale (Balaenaptera aeutarastrata) aground in Unalaska Bay, and of Killer Whales eating a Gray Whale (Esehriehtius rabustus) in the Chukchi Sea are reported. The marine mammal prey of Killer Whales in the area include Gray Whales, Minke Whales, Walruses (Odabenus rasmarus), Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leueas), and seals (Phocidae).