Research on XML-based component library and its application

Component-based software development approach is the main approach to develop new applications at present. How to improve the retrieval efficiency in component libraries becomes an important issue. In this paper, a component library based on XML (Extensible Markup Language) is constructed, in which faceted-based classification mechanism is used to classify components and XML is used to describe components. Furthermore, this component library is designed for components of e-government information platform. The most important parts of this paper are the third and fourth sections, in the third section, we describe the system architecture firstly, and then we present the method which we used to classify and describe components. In the fourth section, we present the method and algorithm that is used to implement component retrieval. Theories and method about tree matching is used to retrieval component, in order to reduce the matching complexity, we build index for XML document which makes the tree matching issues turn to string matching problem. In addition, we adopt a matching algorithm which will compare term strings and level strings at first, and then a component collection that is ordered by the matching degree is returned. All of these are aimed at reduce the time that retrieval takes and improve the recall and precision of retrieval. The experimental results show that the method we adopted in this research is feasible.