Varicose Veins in Women Cotton Workers. An Epidemiological Study in England and Egypt*

The prevalence of varicose veins was studied in 504 women cotton workers in England and 467 in Egypt, by a standardized questionary and a specially developed method of examination. The English mill population showed a much higher prevalence of varicose veins than the Egyptian, probably owing to environmental rather than ethnic reasons. Among the European women the prevalence of varicose veins was significantly related to age, parity, body weight, type of corsetry, and occupation—that is, whether or not they stood at their work. After standardizing for the other variables there was a statistically significant excess of varicose veins in women wearing corsets and roll-ons compared with those wearing less-constrictive garments. After a similar standardization a significant excess was found in women who stood at their work compared with those whose jobs entailed walking or sitting.