In recent years studies of social agents have suggested several new metaheuristics for use in search and optimisation; Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS) [1] is one such ‘Swarm Intelligence’ algorithm. SDS is a distributed population based search algorithm utilising interaction between simple agents to locate a global optimum; such ‘communicating agents’ have recently been suggested as a potential metaphor for some cognitive processes [6]. SDS is most easily applied to discrete search and optimisation problems where the task is to identify the hypothesis, h, which maximises the value of a decomposable objective function. Unlike many nature inspired search algorithms SDS has a solid mathematical framework which fully describes the behaviour of the algorithm, investigating its: resource allocation [4], convergence to global minima [5], robustness and minimal convergence criteria [2] and time complexity [3]. In the following brief summary we deploy a simple new metaphor the mining game to introduce SDS to readers of the AISBQ. The mining game provides a high-level description of a search to identify the best hill, Hbest, in a large mountain range on which a group of miners should prospect for gold; each hill is quantised into a fixed set of regions, R, where each region yields a specific ‘rate of return’ Rj of gold (concentration). Thus the ‘best’ hill for the miners is the hill, Hi, which maximises the value of the [decomposable] objective function F = Hi ∑ j Rj .
Laurent Keller,et al.
Ant-like task allocation and recruitment in cooperative robots
Luc Steels,et al.
Cooperation between distributed agents through self-organisation
EEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Towards a New Frontier of Applications.
Slawomir J. Nasuto,et al.
Steady State Resource Allocation Analysis of the Stochastic Diffusion Search
BICA 2015.
Slawomir J. Nasuto,et al.
Convergence Analysis of Stochastic Diffusion Search
Parallel Algorithms Appl..
Slawomir J. Nasuto,et al.
Communicating neurons: A connectionist spiking neuron implementation of stochastic diffusion search
J. Bishop.
Stochastic searching networks
John Mark Bishop,et al.
Minimum stable convergence criteria for Stochastic Diffusion Search
Slawomir J. Nasuto,et al.
Time Complexity Analysis of the Stochastic Diffusion Search