An Investigation of the Lightning Elimination and Strike Reduction Properties of Dissipation Arrays.
Abstract : The dissipation of thunderclouds to the point where lightning is inhibited has been a topic of conversation for over two hundred years. The purpose of this study is to investigate the controversial concept of dissipation, using single and multiple points to permit the Federal Aviation Administration engineers to formulate a program for protection of navigation facilities. This report discusses the historical background of the dissipation concept, along with the physical process related to cloud dissipation and a theoretical investigation of electrostatic field and corona around tower structures. The investigation and measurements of single point and multiple point corona currents are discussed. The results of photographic recordings and magnetic link current measurements of lightning are presented. Previous data provided from facilities using the multiple point concept to eliminate lightning is correlated with a current analysis. Facilities provided for the investigation are NASA/GSFC MILA, NASA/GSFC Rosman and Eglin AFB. Based on theoretical work, experimental tests and photographic data, the conclusions are that multiple points in a practical situation do not produce more corona current than a single point and that multiple points do not eliminate lightning and do not provide any more protection than a conventional lightning protection system. (Author)