Consuming Cities: the urban environment in the global economy after the Rio declaration

1. Cities as Consumers of the World's Environment Brendan Gleeson and Nicholas Low 2. The Rio Declaration and Subsequent Global Initiatives Ingemar Elander and Rolf Lidskog 3. A Rough Road Out of Rio: The Right-Wing Reaction in the United States Against Global Environmentalism Timothy W Luke 4. Contradictions at the Local Scale: Local Implementation of Agenda 21 in the USA Robert W Lake 5. Britain: Unsustainable Cities Andrew Blowers and Stephen Young 6. Sustainability and Urban Policy in Germany: Retrospect and Prospect Anke Valentin and Joachim Spangenberg 7. Japenese Urban Policy: Challenges of the Rio Earth Summit Fukashi Utsunomiya and Toshio Hase China's Urban Environmental Sustainability in a Global Context Yongyuan Yin and Mark Wang 9. Agenda 21 and Urban India Asesh Kumar Maitra and Arvind Krishan 10. After Rio: Environmental Policies and Urban Planning in Sweden Rolf Lidskog and Ingemar Elander 11. Poland: On the Way to a Market Economy Tadeusz Markowski and Helena Rouba 12. Consuming Cities and Environmental Policy in Australia Peter Christoff and Nicholas Low 13. Jakarta, Indonesia Kampug Culture or Consumer Culture? Lea Jellinek 14. After Rio: Urban Environmental Governance? Nicolas Low, Brendan Gleeson, Ingemar Elander and Rolf Lidskog

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