Retroperitoneal organs may be better managed by laparoscopy through a retro-extraperitoneal approach. Five posterior laparoscopic nephrec-tomies and two posterior laparoscopic adrenalectomies were performed on this premise. The procedure begins under fluoroscopic guidance, by highlighting the homolateral renal collecting system and inserting the Veress needle just between the ureter and the lower pole of the kidney, with the patient in the prone position. The retropneumoperitoneum is created by insufflating directly with one litre of CO2 in the perirenal fatty space, without any additional device. The four trocars are inserted under fluoroscopic guidance, in the space between the 12th rib, the sacrospinalis muscle, the iliac crest and the posterior axillary line. With scissors and dissectors the organs are freed by clipping the major arterial vessel and by firing an EndoGIATM (AutoSuture Company, USA) for large veins. Small organs are removed through a port enlarged to 2cm. Larger solid organs are removed...
M. Coptcoat,et al.
Laparoscopy in Urology
D. D. Gaur,et al.
Retroperitoneal laparoscopic nephrectomy: initial case report.
The Journal of urology.
R. La,et al.
Urologic laparoscopic surgery
A. Shafik.
Extraperitoneal Laparoscopic Lymphadenectomy in Prostatic Cancer: Preliminary Report of a New Approach
J. Hulbert,et al.
Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Lymphadenectomy: New Approach to Pathologic Staging of Clinical Stage I Germ Cell Tumors of the Testis
R. Clayman,et al.
Laparoscopic Nephrectomy: Review of the Initial 10 Cases
S. Loening,et al.
Urological laparoscopic surgery.
The Journal of urology.