Introduction to Internet of Things: Providing Services Using Smart Devices, Wearables, and Quantified Self Minitrack

This minitrack addresses issues organizations face as they seek to provide services to end-users through wearable or autonomous mobile devices using the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) platform. The IoT allows connectivity of billions of mobile devices that can perform physical, sensing, and analytical services to users. Many of these devices exist in physical proximity of the user making up part of the user’s personal area network (PAN). Others are wearable devices that sense and track metrics about the quantified self and make up the user’s body area network (BAN). Finally, other mobile devices are semi-autonomous or autonomous and have the ability to move and actuate on their surroundings in an effort to provide services to users who may or may not be in physical proximity of the devices. These scenarios create business opportunities for organizations seeking to provide services to these users.