Recent implementation of modern high-speed video cameras has permitted the experimental flexibility needed to revisit classic deflagration-to-detonation (DDT) tube experiments and capture novel and valuable results displaying the progression of luminous reaction from a cookoff event. The authors present select data from a series of experiments where the HMX-based high explosives PBX 9501 and LX-07 were heated above 180°C for various durations to impose damage (i.e. phase transitions and void generation) before being driven to cook off. These two explosives have different polymeric binders, HMX mass fractions and cook off responses and a comparison between the two offers mechanistic insights on how thermal explosions evolve. From this series, results will be displayed indicating a wide range of violence from somewhat mild pressure bursts, to intermediate power compressive burns, to high-violence DDT. Image data from high temperature DDT tube experiments, where the explosive was ignited on one end, were als...