It 's fair to say that the study of indexicality has been primarily occupied with an swering one question: Why are certain elements I, you, yesterday opaque to modal quantification? Indeed, Kaplan ( 1977), the most celebrated theory of index icality, is designed precisely to answer this question: indexicals are rigidly speci fied once the character of a sentence is applied to the utterance context, before the content is derived. And yet, recent work in a variety of languages (e.g . , Aghem (Hyman 1 979), Amharic (Schlenker 2003) , and Navajo (Speas 1 999)) has recently converged on the general conclusion that this central empirical claim of indexical research was too hasty. That is , in some cases in these languages, sentences with the form John said that I am hungry may report John's self-report of hunger. Based on data from two additional "indexical-shifting" languages, Zazaki1 and Slave,2 we argue that the interpretive possibilities of shifting indexicals are highly constrained. Our data come from three environments : cases with more than one embedded indexical , cases with diff erent types of attitude verbs, and cases with more than one embedded speech-report. These data give rise to two interesting restrictions on indexical interpretation:
P. Schlenker.
A Plea For Monsters
Peggy Speas.
Person and Point of View in Navajo
Zygmunt Frajzyngier,et al.
A grammar of Mupun
H. Pan,et al.
Locality,self-ascription, discourse prominence, and Mandarin reflexives
Wolf Leslau,et al.
Reference grammar of Amharic
David J. Israel,et al.
Structured Meanings: The Semantics of Propositional Attitudes.
F. Récanati,et al.
Oratio obliqua, oratio recta
G. Chierchia,et al.
Anaphora and Attitudes De Se
Masayo Iida.
Context and binding in Japanese
Uli Sauerland,et al.
Pronoun Movement in Dream Reports
Larry M. Hyman,et al.
Aghem Grammatical Structure
Arnim von Stechow,et al.
Semantik: Ein Internationales Handbuch Der Zeitgenössischen Forschung
Irene Heim,et al.
Semantics in generative grammar