The management of hepatocellular carcinoma. Current expert opinion and recommendations derived from the 10th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 2008.
R. Labianca | D. Kerr | J. Berlin | W. Scheithauer | K. Haustermans | E. Van Cutsem | B. Nordlinger | T. Gruenberger | M. Ducreux | J. Tabernero | D. Haller | M. Moore | C. Verslype | P. Rougier | N. Arber | D. Cunningham | A. Ohtsu | P. Hoff | A. de Gramont | A. Gramont | H. Schmoll | E. Díaz-Rubio | A. Sobrero | M. Moore | C. J. van de Velde | M. Dicato | C. Velde | H. Schmoll | Karin Haustermans | E. Cutsem | Josep Tabernero | Nadir Arber | David J. Kerr | C.J.H. van de Velde | H. J. Schmoll | Mario Dicato | Malcolm J. Moore | D. Cunningham | A. de Gramont | E. Van Cutsem | Bernard Nordlinger | Chris Verslype | Jordan Berlin | David Cunningham | Eduardo Díaz-Rubio | Michel Ducreux | Daniel G. Haller | Paulo M. Hoff | Roberto Labianca | Werner Scheithauer | Alberto Sobrero | Nadir Arber
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