BiMU—Inertial Sensors and Virtual Reality Games for the Rehabilitation of the Upper Limb in Cerebral Palsy

BiMU is a platform for computer access and rehabilitation of the upper limb through virtual reality (VR) games. It adapts to the motor and cognitive level of the user and its main goal is improving the efficiency of traditional therapies: reducing disability, increasing functional ability, and promoting social participation. BiMU’s peripheral consists of two wireless inertial measurement units that are attached to the forearm and upper arm and measure their movement. This information is used to control the movement of the cursor and perform click actions. In this paper, we present a pilot study that aimed to improve the quality of a specific movement: the forearm supination. The participants wore the BiMU system and played a series of VR games that recorded their performance. BiMU allows users computer access and a new mode of interactive occupational therapy. Moreover, it registers physical parameters and task performance measures that can be used by therapists to design customized rehabilitation protocols consisting of sequences of games to exercise specific functional movements and to monitor the evolution of the child throughout the work sessions.