Estimation of body composition from bioelectric impedance of body segments.

The hypothesis that body composition can be estimated accurately from measurements of the length and resistance of the body segments was tested. Weight; stature; whole-body resistance; and the resistances, lengths, and circumferences of the leg, trunk, and arm were measured for 135 white men and women aged 18-58 y. Fat-free mass (FFM) and percent body fat (%BF) were obtained from densitometry. The resistance of the whole body was determined almost entirely by the resistances of the arm and the leg. The accuracy of the prediction of FFM from arm length2/arm resistance and of %BF from weight x arm resistance/arm length2 was only marginally less than that obtained by using whole-body measurements. Thus, measurements of the resistance and length of the arm can be used in place of the whole-body methods for estimating body composition from bioelectric impedance.