SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK Many prototypes for the SwissFEL C-band Linac havebeen built and tested, and most of them show the desiredperformance. Meanwhile,welaunchedtheseriesproductionfor many components including the C-band structures, theBOC RF pulse compressors, and the wave-guide network.Twoprototypesolid-statemodulatorsareorderedandwillbedeliveredtoPSIinthesecondhalfofthisyear. Thenextstepsinclude validating the performance of the two modulatorsbefore the SwissFEL series can be ordered, and the test of acomplete C-band module in the high power RF test stand. REFERENCES [1] R.Ganter (ed.), "SwissFELConceptualDesignReport," PSIBericht, 10-04, 2010.[2] M. Paraliev et al. , "High stability resonant kicker developmentfor the SwissFEL switch yard," in These Proceedings: Proc.36th Int. Free-Electron Laser Conf. , Basel, 2014, MOP039.[3] F. Loehl et al. , "Status of the SwissFEL C-band linear acceler-ator," in Proc. 35th Int. Free-Electron Laser Conf. , New York,USA, 2013, pp. 317 321."""