The antecedents and impacts of information processing effectiveness in inter-organizational collaborative software development

In parallel with business globalization and technological innovation, customer demand and the diversity of core business expertise (competency) are also substantial influences on the development of new styles of business practices. In order to effectively and strongly compete in the boundary-less modern global economy, organizations have actively explored new ways of collaboration, which resulted in institution of virtual enterprises and inter-organizational alliances. Communication, effective information sharing and knowledge extraction have been identified as integral components of inter-organizational collaboration. However, there has been little focus on comprehensive benchmarking tools or approaches to assess the potential of organizations for collaborative communication. This research focuses on the effectiveness of the information processing (IP). Inter-organizational IP addresses the information exchange, as well as information utilization across organizational boundaries. Through a literature review, a set of factors influencing the effectiveness of inter-organizational communication has been identified. Using these factors, this research is aimed at assessing the level of communication effectiveness for two organizations with the common goal to collaborate for the purpose of software development. These influential factors have been grouped into three categories: (a) organizational background, (b) contingency processes, and (c) information technology. A key hypothesis of this research is that a higher level of inter-organizational communication will result in a higher level of software development performance. The success of software development will be classified and measured along two dimensions: process performance and quality performance. A multidisciplinary framework is developed to address organizational, managerial strategy and technology issues for the effective establishment of inter-organizational communication. The relative weight and effect of influential factors and intervening variables are studied and evaluated. The effect of these variables on success of software development performance has been studied among number of practical dimensions.