Wireless vehicle alert and collision prevention system design using Atmel microcontroller

Now-a-days the vehicle accident rate has been increasing as compared to previous decade. The accident rate has increased by 54%. This system minimizes the action time after an accident. This paper deals with such system to detect possible collision and prevent it. The paper presents an efficient implementation of security system for the moving vehicles using SMS alert system. The system uses microcontroller which makes it unique comparative to the other systems. The components used in the proposed work are related with detecting the accident, saving the phone numbers, sending the SMS. The major component is the Atmel microcontroller AT89S52 which performs all the operations related to controlling the embedded system circuit. The security for the vehicles is provided in terms of detection of accident done using vibration sensor. This detection is sent in the form of an SMS alert to mobile using GSM. The embedded system enclosed with the components is fit inside the vehicle for accident detection.