The prerequisite for scaffolding in English education for Japanese pupils

The present study investigates how pupils in English classroom learn to complete tasks autonomously. A methodological framework to analyze teacher-pupil interactions is newly set up by applying sociocultural theory to corrective feedback framework. It is advantageous and well suited to this study in that it includes in the analysis not only pupils’ utterances but also any context relating to pupils’ completion of tasks, so that pupils’ learning activities can be analyzed from comprehensive perspective. Also, the framework adopts the strict definition of scaffolding that it is special kind of help which finally enables learners to complete a task on their own, so that a further investigation into how pupils gain autonomy is possible. Teacher-pupil interactions in English classrooms, transcribed from video-record into written data, were analyzed, and four features in the process of pupils’ task completion, and “indirect scaffolding,” which means interactions between the teacher and a pupil brings about another pupil’s autonomous task completion, were observed. The prerequisite for some types of help to function as scaffolding is that pupils understand the purpose of the activity. (受付日:2015 年 9 月 18 日,受理日:2015 年 12 月 1 日) 人間生活文化研究 Int J Hum Cult Stud. No. 25 2015 児童英語教育におけるスキャフォールディングの前提 374 渡邊 万里子(わたなべ まりこ) 現職:大妻女子大学大学院人間生活文化研究科博士後期課程 1 年 大妻女子大学大学院人間文化研究科修士課程修了. 専門は英語教育学.現在は英語学習者のコミュニケーションに対する意欲に焦点をあてた研究を行って いる. 主な著書:児童英語教育における指導者支援の新たな分類-社会文化理論の視点から」(『大妻レヴュー』 第 48 号)