MP-DASH: Adaptive Video Streaming Over Preference-Aware Multipath

Compared with using only a single wireless path such as WiFi, leveraging multipath (e.g., WiFi and cellular) can dramatically improve users' quality of experience (QoE) for mobile video streaming. However, Multipath TCP (MPTCP), the de-facto multipath solution, lacks the support to prioritize one path over another. When applied to video streaming, it may cause undesired network usage such as substantial over-utilization of the metered cellular link. In this paper, we propose MP-DASH, a multipath framework for video streaming with the awareness of network interface preferences from users. The basic idea behind MP-DASH is to strategically schedule video chunks' delivery and thus satisfy user preferences. MP-DASH can work with a wide range of off-the-shelf video rate adaptation algorithms with very small changes. Our extensive field studies at 33 locations in three U.S. states suggest that MP-DASH is very effective: it can reduce cellular usage by up to 99% and radio energy consumption by up to 85% with negligible degradation of QoE, compared with off-the-shelf MPTCP.

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