TINA Network Resource Information Model

The TINA (Telecommunications InformationNetworking Architecture) Network Resource InformationModel (NRIM) is a technology-independent network levelresource model that provides the foundation for the management and control of networks envisionedin the TINA architecture. Such networks are capable ofsupporting multimedia and multipoint communicationsessions and may consist of network elements based on different technologies. Different portionsof such networks will be under the control of differentnetwork administrations. NRIM describes such a networkabstractly in terms of network elements, aggregations of network elements, the topologicalrelationship between the elements, transport entities,and endpoints of transport entities. In addition, NRIMdefines management support objects for alarmsurveillance, resource configuration, and accounting. NRIM isindependent of the architecture of the individualmanagement functions. Further, the model is describedabstractly in terms of objects and relationships and it is independent of the protocols used forcommunication between management functions. Informationmodels for the management of specific networktechnologies can be derived from the generic modeldefined by the NRIM. This paper presents an overview ofthe NRIM emphasizing the recent advances made in theNRIM specification.