New oxide-trap extraction method for irradiated MOSFET devices at high frequencies

This paper proposes a new extraction method of radiation-induced oxide-trap density (/spl Delta/N/sub ot/), called OTCP (Oxide-Trap based on Charge-Pumping). In this method, we use a High Frequency (HF) standard CP measurement. We avoid the border-trap effect in CP current (I/sub cp/) measurements. Hence, I/sub cp/ is only due to the interface-trap contribution. We demonstrate that /spl Delta/N/sub ot/ is only dependent on /spl Delta/V/sub th/ (threshold voltage shift) and /spl Delta/I/sub cpm/ (augmentation of maximum CP current). We also show that /spl Delta/V/sub th/ can be obtained from lateral shift of CP Elliot curves and /spl Delta/I/sub cpm/ from vertical shift.