The research itself reflects the condition of immunological reactivity at lens patology of people taken part in the liquidation ofthe effects of Chemobol nuclear power station, INTRODUCTION The phenomenon of immune privileges of an eye and its response to damaging action of various factors draws attention of present-day researchers [1,2,3,4]. At ionizing radiation influence the most evident changes occur in the lens as according to many authors it is the most radiosensitive in an organ of vision [5], and also is a classical example of a natural autoantigen [6]. The lens is held away from immune system by blood-ocular barrier (BOB) which operates as an immunologic barrier and interferes with migration of fabric antigens from the eye and to entering of immunocompetent cells into the eye [6]. In case of abnormality ofEOB there is formation of autoantibodies to protein ofa lens and further development of specific reaction with possible formation of the autoimmune response over 10-14 years [4,7,8]. For formation of the systemic autoimmune response the damage of blood-ocular barrier is not enough. The previous condition of immune system has significant importance. On this basis the main objective of our work was studying of separate links of immunologic responsiveness of the liquidators of disaster at the Chemobyl Atomic Power Station, with the lens pathology, in the remote period. MATERIALS AND METHODS The basic group consisted of 60 men, the liquidators of consequences of the Chemobyl APS (ChAPS), at the age from 40 till 60 years, with a cataract, depending on a year of entrance to a zone of emergency works and the received average radial dose (established by the Medical radiological research center of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, city of Obninsk, on the basis of Russian state medical radiation-measuring register) have been divided into subgroups: I J 986 32 persons, the received dose of radiation l8.2±0.58 cGy., II J 987 J 8 persons, the received dose of radiation 8.43± 0.60 cGy and