The Ricci soliton condition reduces to a set of ODEs when one assumes that the metric is a doubly-warped product of a ray with a sphere and an Einstein manifold. If the Einstein manifold has positive Ricci curvature, we show there is a one-parameter family of solutions which give complete noncompact Ricci solitons. INTRODUCTION A Ricci soliton is a solution to the Ricci flow ag/Ot = -2Ric(g) such that the metric changes only by diffeomorphisms as time goes on; since the diffeomorphisms of the underlying manifold are symmetries of the evolution equation, it would be more accurate to call this a similarity solution for the Ricci flow. Soliton solutions are important to the study of the Ricci flow because they represent extremal cases for the Harnack estimate [H2] and may be limiting cases for the Ricci flow near singularities (cf. [A]). A Ricci soliton is generated by an initial metric g and a vector field V such that Svg = 2Ric(g); then V generates the diffeomorphisms. A gradient soliton is one where V is the gradient of some function h with respect to g; the corresponding condition is that the Hessian V2 h coincide with the Ricci tensor. Up to now, the known examples of complete Ricci solitons were the radially symmetric 'cigar' metric on R2 [Hi], the radially symmetric soliton on R3 discovered by Bryant (which easily generalizes to Rn), and the U(n)symmetric soliton on Cn disovered by Cao [C]. Let (Mn, da2) be a compact Einstein manifold with Einstein constant e > 0 . Let dO2 denote the standard metric of constant curvature + 1 on Sk, k > 1 . On Rk+1 x M with radial coordinate t > 0 consider the doubly-warped product metric (*) ds2 = dt2 + f(t)2d02 + g(t)2da2. For the metric to be smooth near t = 0 we require that f extend smoothly to Received by the editors December 2, 1992. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 53C25; Secondary 34C99.
Wan-Xiong Shi.
Ricci deformation of the metric on complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds
T. Ivey.
Vladimir I. Arnold,et al.
Dynamical Systems I
R. Hamilton.
The Harnack estimate for the Ricci flow
Richard S. Hamilton,et al.
The Ricci flow on surfaces
Vladimir I. Arnold,et al.
Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences
John B. Shoven,et al.
Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal.
H. Cao.
On Harnack's inequalities for the Kähler-Ricci flow
S. Angenent.
On the formation of singularities in the curve shortening flow