Auto calibration of complex watershed models using simulationoptimization framework
A physics based hydrologic model (either lumped or distributed) is generally characterized
by a multitude of parameters. The calibration of such models is always a complex task. Though,
manual calibration is by far the most widely used approach for parameter estimation of such models,
it is highly time consuming, and uncertainty of obtaining the best fit exists. Attempts to develop
automatic calibration procedures that use optimization algorithms for distributed watershed models
have resulted in long computational time and effort. This was mainly because the model has to
perform simulations a number of times before it can evaluate the objective function of the algorithm
during the parameter search. This study presents a novel framework for calibration of watershed
models under simulation-optimization environment. The framework identifies the parameters of the
model through an optimization algorithm that uses the objective function from a pseudo simulator,
which reduces the computational time significantly. The pseudo simulator will map the objective
function in terms of the parameters thus avoiding complex simulation every time. The methodology is demonstrated by calibrating SWAT model for Illinois watershed in Arkansas, USA. The calibrated
model is found to simulate the flows reasonably good. The model performance indices when
computed on a daily basis, the R2 value between the simulated and measured flows ranged from
0.36 to 0.60 during calibration period and are 0.77 for the validation period. The model resulted in an
efficiency of 0.75 during the validation period. Overall, the study reports an auto-calibration
procedure for watershed models that can be used for calibration of models irrespective of their