Developing a virtualized network service does not only involve the implementation and configuration of the network functions it is composed of but also its integration and test with management solutions that will control the service in its production environment. These integration tasks require testbeds that offer the needed network function virtualization infrastructure (NFVI), like OpenStack, introducing a lot of management and maintenance overheads. Such testbed setups become even more complicated when the multi point-of-presence (PoP) case, with multiple infrastructure installations, is considered. In this demo, we showcase an emulation platform that executes containerized network services in user-defined multi-PoP topologies. The platform does not only allow network service developers to locally test their services but also to connect realworld management and orchestration solutions to the emulated PoPs. During our interactive demonstration we focus on the integration between the emulated infrastructure and state-of-theart orchestration solutions like SONATA or OSM.
András Gulyás,et al.
EPOXIDE: A Modular Prototype for SDN Troubleshooting
Stuart Clayman,et al.
Experimenting with control operations in software-defined infrastructures
2016 IEEE NetSoft Conference and Workshops (NetSoft).
Holger Karl,et al.
MeDICINE: Rapid prototyping of production-ready network services in multi-PoP environments
2016 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN).
Wouter Tavernier,et al.
DevOps for network function virtualisation: an architectural approach
Trans. Emerg. Telecommun. Technol..