A Study on the Development of a Circular CAV Damper

Abstract A circular CAV damper has been developed, based on the investigation of the pressure loss, and the flow-resistingmoment by the damper blade. When a torsional spring is attached to the damper axle, and the setting angle is adjustedto around 82°, the volume rate across the damper is almost independent of the static pressure. Such a CAV characteristic appears at an opening angle between 40° and 60°, where the normalized moment decreases linearly with the angle. In addition,by adjusting the setting angle, the volume rate can be controlled to within 10% error, regardless of the pressure loss. Key words CAV(정풍량), Damper(댐퍼), Pressure loss(압력손실), Rotating moment(회전 모멘트), Torsional spring(비틀림 스프링)†Corresponding author, E-mail: ypkwon@ssu.ac.kr 기호설명 : 덕트의 단면적,     : 모멘트 계수 :         : 손실계수 :     ∆  : 기류에 의한 댐퍼의 회전 모멘트  : 스프링에 의한 댐퍼의 회전 모멘트 : 송풍량, 체적속도  : 무차원 송풍량 (=     ) : 기체의 단면평균유속 : 덕트의 지름  : 비틀림 스프링의 스프링상수∆ : 댐퍼를 통한 압력손실그리스 문자 : 기체의 밀도 : 댐퍼 블레이드의 개도각 