Manuel Castells: The Theory of the Network Society
Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter One: Transformations of Base Lines Neo-Marxism and Renewal of Urban Sociology Technology and Social Change Informationalism Epistemology The Politics of Research Chapter Two: Production Post-Industrialism The Economic Crisis of the 1970s Internationalization of the Economy Global Financial Markets The Network Enterprise Individualisation of Labor Informational Capitalism: Critical Issues Chapter Three: Experience Social Movements as Subjects of History Social Movements Beyond the Local Social Movements and the Creation of Identity Two Case Studies Chapter Four: The Network State and Informational Politics The Theory of the State The Crisis of the Nation State Informational Politics The Reaffirmation of the State The Rise of the Network State? Power and Networks Chapter Five: Flows and Places Castells' Theory of Space The Space of Flows The Time of Flows Cities in the Space of Flows Chapter Six: The Logic of Networks What is a Network? Informational Networks The Network Logic Preeminence of Morphology over Action Conclusion Bibliography of Manuel Castells Books: Author or Main Author Books: Co-authored Books: Edited or Co-Edited Articles, Essays and Book Chapters Main Research Monographs, 1984 - 2004 Books on Manuel Castells References