Transaction support for cooperative hypermedia document author-ing: A study on requirements

Non-standard database applications like CAD, CASE, or cooperative authoring systems impose new requirements on database management systems (DBMS). While object-oriented DBMS provide appropriate data modelling facilities they still lack adequate transaction management support for this kind of applications. Cooperative authoring processes are mainly characterized by long duration activities that are interactively performed by m ultiple authors. They cooperate on shared documents to produce a nal, commonly accepted, hyperdocument. Thus, a transaction model that is well-suited for such a n e n vironment has to support long-running, interactively controlled activities, in which the competition for resources is replaced by the need to cooperate. In this paper, we present requirements for a cooperative transaction model to overcome the limitations of the traditional transaction model. The requirements are derived from the analysis of the cooperative hypermedia document authoring domain.

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