플로팅 건축물의 신재생 에너지 적용에 관한 연구
Our globe is limited in area and densely populated. Sea levels will rise and flood coastal areas around the world because of global warming caused by greenhouse gas so it present living territory moves above the water. Floating house is already developed to meet this demand and it was built in Europe including the Netherlands even if in-country research and development are insufficient but there are many considerations to floating house comparing with a stable life on land. Floating house at sea will be required to be applied for off grid power system and floating house along the shore, on the other hands, shares grid power and lives and besides it is required various researches to supply needed stable power with stand-alone power system unlike land. The propose of this study is to ascertain whether or not renewable energy could apply to floating house and suggest modeling and algorithm for renewable energy system in floating house at sea.