As a consequence of the continuing scaling of semiconductor integrated circuit technology, digital means of processing, storing, and transmitting signals are rapidly displacing analog alternatives across a broad range of applications. Compared with analog implementations, digital systems offer higher resolution, noise insensitivity. and enhanced flexibility. They are also earierto both design and test, and are more readily amenable to design automation. Programmable general purpose digital signal processors have been available for some years, and design tools that aid in the automated generation of efficient application specific processors are becoming available.
Bernhard E. Boser,et al.
The Design of Sigma-Delta Modulation Analog-to-Digit a 1 Converters
Atsushi Iwata,et al.
A 16-bit oversampling A-to-D conversion technology using triple-integration noise shaping
R. Castello,et al.
A ratio-independent algorithmic analog-to-digital conversion technique
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits.
James C. CAhY.
A Use of Double Integration in Sigma Delta Modulation
Hiroshi Inose,et al.
A unity bit coding method by negative feedback