Utilization of Web 2.0 tools in Select Indian Libraries: A study

Web 2.0 is seen as the second generation of the Web; and Libraries are among the early adopters of Web 2.0 tools, which they used to connect and communicate with their patrons. This paper provides a snapshot of prevalence of Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 tools with stress to implementation of Web 2.0 tools, which have numerous applications in Indian Libraries. Data was collected through content analysis of Websites of Indian libraries. The data collected revealed that overall 89 selected libraries comprising of special, college, university, school are using one or more Web 2.0 tools. The study identified the types of Web 2.0 tools used, number of tools used, and the different types of libraries, and number of libraries using them. The study revealed that Blog and Facebook are the most popular Web 2.0 tools used by university libraries and school libraries. School librarians were found to be the most passionate users of variety of Web 2.0 tools.