Implicit entity networks: a versatile document model

The time in which we live is often referred to as the Information Age. However, it can also aptly be characterized as an age of constant information overload. Nowhere is this more present than on the Web, which serves as an endless source of news articles, blog posts, and social media messages. Of course, this overload is even greater in professions that handle the creation or extraction of information and knowledge, such as journalists, lawyers, researchers, clerks, or medical professionals. The volume of available documents and the interconnectedness of their contents are both a blessing and a curse for the contemporary information consumer. On the one hand, they provide near limitless information, but on the other hand, their consumption and comprehension requires an amount of time that many of us cannot spare. As a result, automated extraction, aggregation, and summarization techniques have risen in popularity, even though they are a long way from being comprehensive. When we, as humans, are faced with an overload of information, we tend to look for patterns that bring order into the chaos. In news, we might identify familiar political gures or celebrities, whereas we might look for expressive symptoms in medicine, or precedential cases in law. In other words, we look for known entities as reference points, and then explore the content along the lines of their relations to others entities. Unfortunately, this approach is not re ected in current document models, which do not provide a similar focus on entities. As a direct result, the retrieval of entity-centric knowledge and relations from a ood of textual information becomes more di cult than it has to be, and the inclusion of external knowledge sources is impeded. In this thesis, we introduce implicit entity networks as a comprehensive document model that addresses this shortcoming and provides a holistic representation of document collections and document streams. Based on the premise of modelling the cooccurrence relations between terms and entities as rst-class citizens, we investigate how the resulting network structure facilitates e cient and e ective entity-centric search, and demonstrate the extraction of complex entity relations, as well as their summarization. We show that the implicit network model is fully compatible with dynamic streams of documents. Furthermore, we introduce document aggregation methods that are sensitive to the context of entity mentions, and can be used to distinguish between di erent entity relations. Beyond the relations of individual entities, we introduce network topics as a novel and scalable method for the extraction of topics from collections and streams of documents. Finally, we combine the insights gained from these applications in a versatile hypergraph document model that bridges the gap between unstructured text and structured knowledge sources.

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