RF Power Generating System for the Linear Ion Accelerator

An RF power generating system based on solid-state amplifiers has been developed for the linear accelerator of heavy ions. The report contains information on the characteristics and composition of the system, presents LLRF structure for RFQ and DTL section. INTRODUCTION The scheme of the accelerating channel is shown in Fig. 1. Ion acceleration occurs in a chain of linear accelerating sections consisting of an RFQ and two DTL structures: DTL1 and DTL2. The beam matching between sections is carried out by the beam transport channels: lowenergy LEBT between the source (IS) and RFQ, mediumenergy channel MEBT1 between RFQ and DTL1, medium-energy channel MEBT2 between the accelerating structures DTL1 and DTL2. After acceleration, the beam is directed to the charge exchange target by the high-energy beam transport channel HEBT. Figure 1: Scheme of the accelerating channel. The RF power generating system is designed to excite powerful electromagnetic fields in the resonators of the linear accelerator that are stable in frequency, amplitude and phase. It conducts RF power over the feeders and provides pulse-by-pulse regulation of the amplitude and phase of the RF field. Solid-state amplifiers (SSA), developed at JSC "NIITFA" [1], are used as powerful sources of RF power. Solid-state amplifiers are increasingly using recently as base elements of RF power generating systems for charged particle accelerators. This became possible due to existence of high-frequency transistors capable of operating at frequencies up to 10 GHz with a maximum output power of up to 1800 W [2]. Using the combined methods of addition and division of RF power RF engineers are able to create solid-state amplifiers with an output power of up to 500 kW for operation in pulsed and continuous modes [3]. All resonators of the linac are fed by separate independent high-frequency drivers, including power amplifiers, circulators, directional couplers, feeder inputs. The requirements for high-frequency power generators for linear accelerators are described in detail in [4]. The main technical characteristics of the RF power generating system of the linear accelerator are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Main technical characteristics Name Value HF pulse duration, μs 300 Maximum pulse repetition frequency, Hz 1 HF amplifiers are powered from an alternating current network 3x380 V, 50 Hz. Power consumption from the network, kW 160 RFQ Working frequency, MHz 40,625 RF losses (pulse / average), kW 535/0,178 Number of Amplifiers 4 Matching channel MEBT1 Operating frequency, MHz (MEBT1) 81,25 Number of resonators 2 RF losses (pulse / average), kW 60/0,02 DTL1 Number of λ / 4-resonators 12 Operating frequency of DTL1 resonators, MHz 81,25 Total power of RF losses (pulse / average) in λ / 4-resonators, kW 908/0,302 The number of amplifiers for excitation of λ / 4-resonators 12 DTL2 Operating frequency, MHz 162,5 Number of IH resonators 28 Total power of RF losses (pulse / average) in IH resonators, kW 4291/1,43 The number of amplifiers for excitation of IH resonators 28 Matching channel MEBT2 Operating frequency, MHz 162,5 Number of resonators 1 RF losses (pulse / average) 60/0,02 The main purpose of the master oscillator as a part of the low-level RF system is to generate sinusoidal signal with frequencies of 40.625 MHz, 81.25 MHz, 162.5 MHz and an amplitude up to 1V. It maintains the specified phase difference between high-frequency exciting signals in resonators with accuracy of about 10 and change the phase differ____________________________________________ ⁕ victor.kuzmichev@itep.ru 12th Int. Particle Acc. Conf. IPAC2021, Campinas, SP, Brazil JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-214-1 ISSN: 2673-5490 doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-THPAB319 MC7: Accelerator Technology T08 RF Power Sources THPAB319 4417 C on te nt fr om th is w or k m ay be us ed un de rt he te rm s of th e C C B Y 3. 0 lic en ce (© 20 21 ). A ny di st ri bu tio n of th is w or k m us tm ai nt ai n at tr ib ut io n to th e au th or (s ), tit le of th e w or k, pu bl is he r, an d D O I