A method of controlling the yaw behavior of vehicles

Object of the invention is to make in critical driving situations, the vehicle as much as possible to control. DOLLAR A To control the yaw behavior of the vehicle is determined from the steering angle predetermined by the driver and a vehicle speed obtained a reference value for the yaw rate of the vehicle. An actual value of the yaw rate is also determined. the control deviation is then derived from the difference between actual value and setpoint value of the yaw rate. This deviation is then fed to two independently operating controllers. In which a controller, the steering control, a target value for the wheel steering angle steered wheels is determined, while in the other controller, the brake controller, a set value for the change of the brake pressure of braked wheels is detected. In consideration of this value, a desired brake pressure is then determined. About brake pressure actuators, the associated wheel steering angle is generated in the wheel brake cylinders of the associated target braking pressure and steering actuators at the steered wheels.