1) To assess the opinion of teachers involved in visual screening of school-age children and their referral to ophthalmologic examination within the "Eye-to-Eye National Campaign for Visual Disorders Prevention and Rehabilitation" (Campanha Nacional de Prevenção e Reabilitação Visual Olho no Olho); 2) To identify the teachers' perception with respect to the training received for conducting the campaign.
A descriptive study has been conducted, based on data recorded from the application of a questionnaire to 1,517 elementary school teachers working in public schools in 27 Brazilian states. The following items were examined: received orientation, use of educational videos and handbooks, supplied explanations, difficulties, questions and overall campaign assessment.
82.0% of the teachers stated they had received orientation and 92.0% stated they had read the "Teacher Orientation Manual". Among those who received orientation, 47.0% stated it had been supplied by school officials; 30.0%, by healthcare agents, and 23.0% by ophthalmologists. In the self-assessment of performance, 58.0% reported no difficulties; 32.0% reported questions concerning the campaign activities and the professionals who most frequently asked to provide clarification were those from the State Education Agency (38.0%), followed by the school director (20.0%).
Most teachers considered themselves adequately trained and oriented to take part in the campaign. Teachers' training was provided by administrative officials, previously trained by ophthalmologists ("multiplying effect") and the small percentage of questions raised indicated the validity of the procedure. Concerns have been raised as to the information about the ophthalmologic examination, transportation of the children and delivery of glasses. This kind of program always presents some difficulties and requires adjustments. It should, indeed, be improved, perhaps through a closer involvement of the community and families during its development.
Alfredo Borghetto Abud,et al.
Aspectos socioeconômicos que influenciam no comparecimento ao exame oftalmológico de escolares com alterações visuais
Edméa Rita Temporini,et al.
Impacto da Campanha Olho no Olho em escolas de ensino fundamental: percepção do pessoal de ensino
N. K. José,et al.
Percepção de pais de escolares da 1ª série do ensino fundamental a respeito da campanha "Olho no Olho" 2000, na cidade de Maceió - Alagoas
C. L. Arieta,et al.
Correção optica em escolares e condições de uso dos oculos - Campinas (SP)
M. R. Alves,et al.
Atendimento oftalmológico de escolares do sistema público de ensino no município de São Paulo: aspectos médico-sociais
Edméa Rita Temporini.
Percepção de professores do Sistema de Ensino do Estado de São Paulo sobre o seu preparo em saúde do escolar
N. K. José,et al.
Envolvimento de pessoal da comunidade em projeto de deteccao de ambliopia em pre-escolares
Edméa Rita Temporini,et al.
Validade da aferição da acuidade visual realizada pelo professor em escolares de 1ª à 4ª série de primeiro grau de uma escola pública do município de São Paulo, Brasil