Machiavellian intelligence II : extensions and evaluations

Preface 1. Machiavellian Intelligence Richard W. Byrne and Andrew Whiten 2. Friendships, alliances, reciprocity and repair Marina Cords 3. Why Machiavellian Intelligence may not be Machiavellian Shirley C. Strum, Deborah Forster and Edwin Hutchins 4. Social intelligence and success: don't be too clever in order to be smart Alain Schmitt and Karl Grammer 5. Minding the behaviour of deception Marc Hauser 6. The Machiavellian mindreader Andrew Whiten 7. Exploiting the expertise of others Anne Russon 8. Primates' knowledge of their natural habitat: as indicated in foraging Charles R. Menzel 9. Evolution of the social brain Robert A. Barton and Robin Dunbar 10. The modularity of social intelligence Gerd Gigerenzer 11. The technical intelligence hypothesis: an additional evolutionary stimulus to intelligence Richard W. Byrne 12. Protean primates: the evolution of adaptive unpredictability in competition and courtship Geoffrey Miller 13. Egalitarian behaviour and the evolution of political intelligence Christopher Boehm 14. Social intelligence and language: another Rubicon Esther Goody Index.

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