Shop Floor Control - A Systems Perspective: From Deterministic Models towards Agile Operations Management

Understanding Shop Floor Control - A Close Look at Realitiy: The Reality of Shop Floor Control - Approaches to Systems Innovation.- Control on the Verge of Chaos - Analysis of Dynamic Production Structures.- Rationality, Culture and Politics of Production. Systems and Organizations: Models, Systems and Reality: Knowledge Generation and Strategies for Systems Design.- Systems Concepts and Organizational Design. Control Strategies for Complex Manufacturing Systems: From Central Planning and Control to Self-Regulation on the Shop Floor.- System Models and Concepts for Distributed Production Planning and Control. Planning, Scheduling and Control: Aspects of Decision Making: Approaches to Shop Floor Control - A Critical Review.- The Link to the 'Real World': Information, Knowledge and Experience for Decision Making. Making Use of Information Technology: Man - Machine Interaction: The Application of Information Technology at Shop Floor Level: Use and Acceptance.- Supervisory Control Principles for Dynamic Operations Management of Manufacturing Shop Floors.- IT at the Shop Floor - Criteria-based Methodologies for Man-Machine Task Allocation.- Guidelines for Systems Design for Operational Production Management. On the Road to Agility: Changing Organizational Structures: Making Teams Work - A Key to Effective Shop Floor Control.- Shop Floor Control as a Task of Organizational Development.- Work-Process Knowledge and the School-to-Work Transition.