HybridSystems: Theory, Computation andApplications

Theory, computation andapplications define theevolution ofthefield ofcontrol. This premise isfirst illustrated withsomehistorical examples andthenwiththeemerging areaofhybrid systems, whichcanbeviewed, loosely speaking, asdynamical systems withswitches. Manypractical problems canbeformulated inthehybrid system frame- work.Powerelectronics arehybrid systems bytheir verynature, systems withhard bounds and/or friction canbedescribed inthis mannerandproblems fromother do- mains, asdiverse asdriver assistance systems, anesthesia andactive vibration control canbeputinthis form. Wewill highlight thetheoretical developments andmention the extensive software that helps tobring thetheory tobearonthepractical examples. We will close withanoutlook forhybrid systems andcontrol moregenerally.