Modern digital imaging is used in many areas of human activities. Nowadays, imaging and different human body measurements are also used in medicine, during operation planning by surgeons, dental surgeons, in transplantology, etc. The 3D visualization of human body and some abnormalities of body internal organs can be observed by means of specialized techniques as CT or MRI. During measurements these techniques can present object description by specialized language – VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language). Modern VRML browsers offer higher quality visual interfaces for man–computer interaction in real–time environment than ever before. In this paper the simple method of medical images projection and image measurements are presented. Very expensive commercial products can be successfully substituted by means of the computer program proposed in this paper. Proposed approach is based only on VRML and is easy to implement in many programming languages.
王建军,et al.
Dynamic concision for three-dimensional reconstruction of human organ built with virtual reality modelling language (VRML)
Philippe Fuchs,et al.
Three-dimensional reconstruction and texturation of museographic objects using multiple images and stereoscopic depth map fusion
IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging.
Wang Yi,et al.
An Interactive Real Time Segmentation Method for 3D medical image
Fourth International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG 2007).
Jian-jun Wang,et al.
Dynamic concision for three-dimensional reconstruction of human organ built with virtual reality modelling language (VRML).
Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B.