도시철도 운영시스템 RAMS 적용환경 구축 사전연구를 위한 승강장안전문[PSD] 분류체계 적정성 연구

The current maintenance system of metro operation agency has been constructed and operated before the implementation of the Technical Standard of Railway Safety Management system. So, it is inappropriate to implement RAMS of the Technical Standard of Railway Safety Management system. So, if we want to construct the RAMS environment for metro operating system, we need to get the objective maximum information by changing the existing qualitative factors into the quantitative factors. For this purpose, the maintenance and control system needs the improvement with the systemization of the Bill of material (BOM) and the improvement in granting the systematic serial number to LRU(Line Replaceable Unit) parts. We intend to get the various outputs and index of reliability, availability, maintenability, safety by using various information from the maintenance system. We intend to conduct the prior research on the construction of RAMS total system which is proper for the Technical Standard of Railway Safety Management system by analysis and improvement of the PSD driving parts of platform screen door in major facilities(E&M) of Metro.