This metlhod of dr-tinage can only be adopted when a good distension is to beobtained and no previous operation has been performed on the bladder; under suLch conditions there is no danger of wouuding the peritoneumn wlhen handling the trocar and cannula.. Haemorrhage from the bladder wall need not be feared owing to the pressure of the tube. Whlen haematuria is present the operation is contra. indicated because the De Pezzer tube is readily blocked by clots. The operation is most successfully used for cases requiring suprapubic drainage of the bladder owina to. deficient excretion of urea, prior to prostatectomy. As local anaestlhesia is usually sufficient, tlle patient under. goes a minimum of slhock. Well does the urologist know that the shock of a preliminary cystotomy in cases of tlhreatened renal failure in consequence of an enlargement of tle prostate will olten cause deatlh. So simple a pro. cedure as the insertion of thle De Pezzer tube reduces the shock-, and, should tlle kidneys recover tlleir-full fuLnction, it permits the removal of the prostate witilout the difficulty caused by the scarring of tlle abdominal wall. In cases of carcinoma of tlle prostate patients find the utmnost relief from this metlhod of bladder drainage; they carry on tlheir work and experience no discomfort apart from washing out their bladders.