A novel current-fed energy-recovery sustaining driver for plasma display panel (PDP)

A novel current-fed energy-recovery sustaining driver (CFERSD) for a PDP is proposed in this paper. Its main idea is to recover the energy stored in the PDP or to inject the input source energy to the POP by using the current source built-up in the energy recovery inductor This method provides zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) of all main power switches, the reduction of EMI, and more improved operational voltage margins with the aid of the discharge current compensation in addition, since the current flowing through the energy recovery inductor can compensate the plasma discharge current flowing through the conducting power switches, the current stress through all main power switches can be considerably reduced. Furthermore, it features a low conduction loss and fast transient time. Operations, features and design considerations are presented and verified experimentally on a 1020x106mm sized PDP, 50kHz-switching frequency, and sustaining voltage l40V based prototype.