Micromechanics for actuators via deep x-ray lithography

Micromechanics and, in particular, micromechanics for actuators requires a processing tool that can provide 3-dimensionality and can accommodate many materials in a cost effective manner. The tool is further enhanced if high geometric resolution and compatibility with microelectronics are provided for. The desired attributes for the processing tool are in part contained in the original German LIGA process which introduced deep x-ray lithography and metal plating to micromechanics with achieved structural heights above 500 micrometer. This process can and has been extended to heights above 1 cm with improved resolution by developing a low stress photoresist application technology which is based on precut photoresist sheets and solvent bonding. Exposure of these thick layers is achieved by using 20 keV photon fluxes from the Brookhaven National Laboratory 2.6 GeV synchrotron. Application of this technology to actuator construction has taken two forms: linear, spring constrained electrostatic and magnetic actuators with large throws, and magnetic rotational machines for either high output torques or very high rotational speeds.