Java: A Framework for Programming and Problem Solving

From the Publisher: Lambert and Osborne's content appeals to professors who want to cover traditional CS1 material using the powerful capabilities Java provides. Chapter One starts out strong by introducing students to the topic of problem-solving. Object-oriented design and Java features are introduced as needed. Professors who teach CS1 in Java face a dilemma: either restrict the course to character-based terminal I/O with a C++ look, or introduce graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and overwhelm students with the details of Java's Abstract Windowing Toolkit(AWT). To overcome this dilemma, the text comes with a software package, BreezySwing™, which simplifies the programming of GUIs. BreezySwing insulates students from the complex details of laying out window components and responding to interface events. Lambert and Osborne's book and software package enable students to enjoy the excitement of writing GUI-based programs without being overwhelmed by or distracted from the more basic issues of algorithm design and the factoring of programs into classes. The University Edition of Borland's JBuilder 4 is packaged with the text.