The Motorola MC 68000 microprocessor family (2nd ed.): assembly language, interface design, and system design

1. Introduction to the Motorola Microprocessors and Controllers. 2. Microcomputer and Microprocessor Characteristics. 3. Representation of Numbers and Characters. 4. Introduction to the M68000 Family. 5. MC68000 Assembly Language and Basic Instructions. 6. Data Transfer, Program Control and Subroutines. 7. Arithmetic Operations. 8. Logical and Bit Operations. 9. Programming Techniques. 10. System Operation. 11. Exception Processing. 12. Interfacing and I/O Programming. 13. System Design and Hardware Considerations. Appendix I: ASCII Character Set and Powers of Two and Sixteen. Appendix II: MC68000 Characteristics. Appendix III: Assembly Language Set. Appendix IV: Machine Language Characteristics of the MC68000, MC68008 and MC68010. Appendix V: Comparison of 68000 Family Processors. Answers to Selected Exercises. Index.