German and Japanese business in the boom years : transforming American management and technology models

1. Americanisation: historical and conceptual issues Akira Kudo, Matthias Kipping and Harm G. Schroter2. 'Importing' American ideas to West Germany, 1940s to 1970s: from associations to private consultancies Matthias Kipping3. Paths to Americanisation in post-war Japan Satoshi Sasaki4. Driving the West German consumer society: the introduction of US-style production and marketing at Volkswagen, 1945-70 Christian Kleinschmidt5. Americanisation with the Japanese supplier system in the Japanese automobile industry, 1950-65 Hiorfumi Ueda6. The Americanisation of the German electrical industry after 1945: Siemens as a case study Wilfried Feldenkirchen7. The Americanisation and Japanisation of electronics firms in post-war Japan Shin Hasegawa8. America and the resurgence of the German chemical and rubber industry after the Second World War: Huls, Glanzstoff and Continental Christian Kleinschmidt9. The Americanisation of technologies and management in Japan and its multiple effects: the case of Toray Tsuneo Suzuki10. Reluctant Americanisation? The reaction of Henkel to the influences and competition from the United States Susanne Hilger11. Emerging post-war-type managers and their learning of American technology and management: the consumer chemicals industry and the case of Kao Akira Judo and Motoi Ihara12. 'Revolution in trade': the Americanisation of distribution in Germany during the boom years, 1949-75 Harm G. Schroter13. American influences and Japanese innovation in the distribution industry: changes of supermarket system from the 1950s until the 1970s Mika Takaoka and Takeo Kikkawa