Work and family life
OVERVIEW Work/Family Linkages Gender Roles and Work/Family Linkages THE ECONOMIC WELL-BEING OF FAMILIES Family Responsibility for Economic Provision The Worker-Earner Role of Men and Women Participation in the Worker-Earner Role Problems in Performing the Worker-Earner Role Unpaid Contributions to family Well-Being THE WORKER-EARNER ROLE AND FAMILY LIFE Husband's Worker-Earner Role Wife's Worker-Earner Role The Worker-Earner Role in One-Parent Families Family Coping Efforts WORK ROLE CHARACTERISTICS AND FAMILY LIFE Structural Characteristics of Work Psychological Dimensions of Work Joint Effects of Husbands' and Wive's Work Role Characteristics on Family life INDIVIDUAL WORK/FAMILY ROLE COORDINATION Multiple Roles, Role Strain, and Role Expansion The Effects of Multiple Roles on Women's Lives Coping With Role Conflict The Work/Family Life Cycle Sequential Work/Family Role Staging Symmetrical Work/Family Role Allocation POLICY ISSUES Economic Policies Family-Oriented Personnel Policies