Effective Signcryption Approach for Secure Convention for Multilayer Consensus using ECC
The used algorithm in cryptography represents the facts for computation and/or computation costs in general. The motivation for any problem is the primitive generators that make the protocol a big advantage over the technology augmentation. This chapter presents a methodological approach on session specific challenge-response protocol for a better, improved and stronger security on reduced costs. The basic primitives are applied on Diffie-Hellman and Elliptic Curve Cryptography. The purpose is providing the security properties for protocol compositional logic that focuses on privacy rights in information assessment in multidisciplinary obligations. In addition, we portrait a signcryption approach for password authenticated key exchange protocol for multilayer consensus, which logically combines individual signature and encryption cost in the form of reduced computational cost and communications cost in single stride of operation. The overall computation time potentially is reduced for the proposed methodology on signature and key generation. The results for ECC based multilayer consensus of key generation approach are tested on Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocol Architecture (AVISPA) tool and SPAN tool. Further, by preserving the definition of signcryption, we enhanced the same scheme in comparison to the other proposed schemes.