Chapter 6 – Potpourri
Publisher Summary
In order to have the most efficient release, request, and change processes, the use of Cross Functional Teams is a necessity. Cross Functional Teams are sometimes called Design Teams, Concurrent or Simultaneous Engineering Teams. Teams must be established very early in a development project and thus, be functioning early in the release processes. The team approach should improve both the documentation and the product, as well as reduce the number of design changes later required. Planning for the team (a management function) should start the day after the program is approved. The first team meetings might take place a week into the program. Design Engineering must be encouraged to concentrate on functional layouts and specification development in the early part of development. This leaves assembly structure and other manufacturing issues until a little later in the project, when the team is fully functioning. Management must make sure that appropriate manpower is dedicated to the project. It is especially important that manufacturing commits manpower to the development project early on.