Advantages and possibilities of solid recovered fuel cocombustion in the European energy sector.

The 1999/31 Elemental Carbon Directive sets strict rules on the disposal of untreated municipal solid waste in the European Union countries and forces a reduction of the biodegradable quantities disposed off to landfills up to 35% of the amount produced in 1995 in the coming decade. More environmentally friendly waste management options shall be promoted under the framework of the Community Waste Strategy ([96] 399 Final). In this context, the production and thermal use of solid recovered fuels (SRFs), derived from nonhazardous bioresidues and mixed- and mono-waste streams, could be a key element in a future waste management system. Within the scope of the European Demonstration Project, RECOFUEL, SRF cocombustion was demonstrated in two large-scale lignite-fired coal boilers at RWE power station in Weisweiler, Germany. As a consequence of the high biogenic share of the cocombusted material, this approach can be considered beneficial following European Directive 2001/77/EC on electricity from renewable energy sources (directive). During the experimental campaign, the share of SRF in the overall thermal input was adjusted to approximately 2%, resulting into a feeding rate of approximately 25 t/hr. The measurement campaign included boiler measurements in different locations, fuel and ash sampling, and its characterization. The corrosion rates were monitored by dedicated corrosion probes. The overall results showed no significant influence of SRF cocombustion on boiler operation, emissions behavior, and residues quality for the thermal shares applied. Also, no effect of the increased chlorine concentration of the recovered fuel was observed in the flue gas path after the desulfurization unit.