A Project Course In Embedded Design

At Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, a project course in embedded design is given for second year students of the Bachelor programs in Electrical/Computer Engineering. The assignment for the students is to specify and design an prototype control system for a mobile robot, currently a small car. The control system is based on a DSP (Digital Signal Processor). This course gives the students an opportunity to use and combine, in a practical way, the theoretical knowledge from earlier courses in electronics, microprocessors, automatic control, electrical measurements and programming. Working in a team-based project organization is also an important part of the course, as well as oral and written presentation techniques. The project is accomplished in teams of four students during a period of seven weeks. On the last day of the project there is a competition between the student teams in which the robot will race on a track with obstacles. The length of the competition track is 7 meters and the track has 5 to 7 randomly placed obstacles. The students have been very satisfied with this type of course. The design of the embedded system gives them a basic and useful understanding of sensors, electronics and a DSP. The course is given for 50 students, 3 times every year.